We will present the final results of the sub-activities undertook within SDRmakerspace in three 2-hour slots (for which you are requested to register separately) in the afternoon at 15:00 CEST (13:00 UTC) on Mon 6, Tue 7 and Wed 8 September 2021.
The event is organized by the European Space Agency, and will be contacted using the Webex platform, it is open to all interested individuals provided they register through Eventbrite in the provided links below.

Monday 6 Sep will be focused on the evaluation of various SDR boards and FPGA tools chains. High-rate direct sampling by SDR’s and SDR on Android will also be presented.
Tuesday 7 Sep will be dedicated to building blocks that have been implemented as open-source developments for GNURadio, such as gr-leo, gr-ccsds, gr-soapy etc.
Wednesday 8 Sep is mainly about the combination of SDR and AI/ML to do signal detection and classification. In addition, an SDR test-bed and spectrum monitoring will be presented.